The Quarry Wiki

The Attack Photo is a piece of evidence in The Quarry. It can be taken by Emma in the Treehouse during Chapter 4.


A blurry, close-up photo of Emma being attacked at the treehouse.


After entering the Treehouse, Emma must choose to search the bag to prevent her death. After she encounters the monster, Emma must choose to taser it, allowing her to take the photo before fleeing.

Bizarre Yet Bonafide[]

If the Attack Photo was found, Grace and Anton discuss it in their episode of the Bizarre Yet Bonafide podcast during the Epilogue.

If all pieces of evidence were found, the Attack will be the eighth piece discussed, following the Trail Cam Footage and preceding the Claw Marks. Grace teases Anton before showing the photo, which they acknowledge was downloaded from Emma's phone. Grace puts the photo through a negative filter which she claims reveals the Hag of Hackett's Quarry in the photo, which Anton does not believe.

Grace: Okay, but putting the Hackett family aside for a moment, there's more to this. Are you ready for some real spooky shit?
Anton: I'm ready for 'real' spooky shit. I don't know if you can provide it, but please try.
Grace: Don't get too freaked out.
Anton: I'll try my hardest.
Grace: Okay. Do you want to hold my hand?
Anton: No.
Grace: Okay. Do you need someone to comfortingly pat your back?
Anton: Please just say what you're gonna say.
Grace: Do you want me to turn all the lights on so you don't get too scared-
Anton: I don't want you to do anything, I want you to say what you have! Okay, so what's this? What are we looking at now.
Grace: A photo by one of the counselors. Emma Mountebank. Downloaded from her phone.
Anton: Oh my God. Is this real?
Grace: Well... That is what we're here to discuss...
Anton: Okay this looks shopped. I mean... doesn't it?
Grace: Okay- but- well- if you downloaded photos from my phone, yes they would all be shopped as well. There would be a filter on it to make my eyes look big and cheeks look pink. But I don't even think that has any of those filters. Look at the eyes and tell me that's not real danger.
Anton: Yeah, it's weird.
Grace: Yeah, weird... Bizarre, yet bonafide.
Anton: What the hell happened?
Grace: More than what we're being told.
Anton: Yeah...
Grace: There's something else too.
Anton: Okay?
Grace: Look at what happens when I put it through a negative filter.
Anton: Whoa! Okay, what is that?
Grace: It's her! The Hag of Hackett's Quarry! See! Full circle!
Anton: Uh... Uh- No no no no, that could be anything...
Grace: Like what? Please, try to explain what that is-.
Anton: I- I dunno! What's that thing where your mind makes you see faces in stuff? There's people- There- There's- Jesus shows up on toast every once in a while, this could be whatever!
Grace: Well I don't need to hear too much more about your breakfast but I can't believe you're still questioning this! You're doubting your own cynicism now, I can tell. I can smell the doubt that you usually apply to other things on yourself. "Pics or it didn't happen", right? Well, pics... so did happen.
Anton: No. Pics, you can fabricate. Experiences you can't. I need to- I would need to see the Hag of Hackett's Quarry myself.
Grace: Well, if you want to go to North Kill with me, I actually have a good relationship-
Anton: No! I don't, okay, I believe you.
