The Quarry Wiki

The Camp Letter is a clue in the Camp History clue collection. It can be found by Kaitlyn in the Camp Lodge during Chapter 10 of The Quarry.


Chris Hackett is asking campers' parents for additional donations to help with lodge renovation costs. Isn't that what camp fees are for? Where else would that money be going?

"What doesn't kill you will make you stronger."
- The following information contains spoilers.

Unlocked by finding the Lodge Renovation Plans.

Maybe the camp is in worse shape than the fees can cover.


Once in the lodge, walk up the stairs to the second floor and turn left. Go past the stairs leading to the third floor and into the room with the bunk beds. The letter will be sitting on the floor.


Dear parents & guardians,

When my mother and father founded Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp in 1955, their vision was to create a space where children from across the nation could experience the true wonders of nature, and I'm proud to continue their legacy to this day.

The camp's lodge has stood proud since we first opened our gates. This legacy, and indeed the lodge itself, is now at risk. Having sought advice from a structural engineer, it appears crucial repair work is required on the masonry of the chimney column.

Don't worry, your children are not in danger, but I must inform you that as of next year, we will be increasing camp fees by 5% per attendee.

When times get tough, I am reminded of our camp motto: 'what doesn't kill you, will make you stronger'. With this in mind I hope that, together, we can make Hackett's Quarry stronger than ever.

Thank you for your continued patronage.

Yours, with gratitude,
Chris Hackett