The Quarry Wiki

Death. Death takes many forms... it could mean change, transition, transformation often interpreted as a beacon for the hopeful. In your case, it just means death.

Death is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Ryan during Chapter 9 in The Quarry. This tarot card can happen during Chapter 10.


A tarot card from the mid 15th century. It shows a skeleton with the muscles still visible holding a scythe.


This tarot card has multiple premonitions.

  1. Kaitlyn is walking on the beam in the lodge. She falls off of the beam to her death.
  2. Laura crawls away from the crashed car, but Silas attacks and kills her.


The number refers to the premonition above.

  1. When playing as Kaitlyn in the confrontation against Caleb in the lodge, choosing the beam and failing the QTEs will lead to Kaitlyn dying.
  2. When Laura, Travis, and Ryan go to kill Silas, don't grab the wheel. The car will then crash. When Laura gets out of the car, fail the QTEs and Silas will kill her.


The Death Tarot location can be found once you gain control of Ryan in the room of the Hackett House. Walk underneath the chandelier in the center of the room. Doing so will cause the camera to switch perspectives and show the card on a shelf against the wall. If you miss it, simply walk away from the chandelier and back under it to have the camera switch perspective again.[1]


  • Death is one of the few tarot cards that can have multiple premonitions. The others are The Hermit, The Sun, and Judgement.
  • Death is the only tarot card that can have multiple different appearances. The card's art will change depending on which counselor has died before finding the card. Any deceased counselors will appear in the card as a head underneath the figure.
  • The premonition showing Kaitlyn's death will still appear even if Kaitlyn was killed by Silas in the scrapyard.
  • Death in tarot readings means rebirth if upright, and stagnation if reversed.