Harum Scarum was a traveling freak show, headed by fortune teller Eliza Vorez. Other members of the group included Eliza's son Silas "The Dog Boy", Greta "The Rubber Woman", and an escapologist. The troupe had rented a plot of land close to the Hackett's Quarry summer camp where they gave performances. Kaylee and Caleb Hackett had witnessed Silas imprisoned and thought such treatment inhumane, and sought to free Silas. This was partially true; while Silas was loved by his mother, she was not above caging him like an exotic animal to cash in on his strange condition. The Hackett siblings had freed Silas by staging a fire, which quickly turned into a conflagration which would have drastic consequences. The entire troupe perished in the fire (except for Silas), and many of the townspeople present were also killed, to include Sheriff Hank. Now free, Silas had the instincts of a feral animal. He infected Caleb Hackett with the same disease that affected him, lycanthropy, and Caleb in turn infected his father Christopher and his sister Kaylee.