The Quarry Wiki

Judgement. The bells of judgement cry bloody murder. Or do they? The fury of a hatred earned. A fate deserved? Likely. But he may have his uses... though he won't forgive. He won't forget.
— If Laura, Ryan, and Travis did go to hunt down Silas
Judgement. Judgement day is upon us! That's what you'd expect from this card, isn't it? Though perhaps in this case it's simpler than that. Perhaps one's own judgement, a snap decision to make, can save them from their own personal day of reckoning. Every step matters, every decision tipping the balance one way or the other. Take your time. Think. And maybe survive.
— If Laura, Ryan, and Travis didn't go to hunt down Silas

Judgement is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Dylan during Chapter 9 in The Quarry. This tarot card can happen during Chapter 10.


A tarot card from the mid 15th century. It shows an angel high up in the clouds blowing a horn with a piece of paper with a crow drawn on it sticking out, with graves and a hand reaching from down below.


This tarot card has multiple premonitions.

  • Laura, Ryan, and Travis confront a wounded Silas. Travis approaches Laura and attempts to take the shotgun, but Laura shoots him and he falls to the ground.
    • This premonition will be triggered if Laura, Ryan, and Travis went to hunt down Silas at the end of Chapter 9.
  • Kaitlyn uses the toy and traps Caleb inside the freezer.
    • This premonition will be triggered if Laura, Ryan, and Travis did not go to hunt down Silas at the end of Chapter 9. Kaitlyn must be alive.
  • Max walks down to the dock. Max chooses to stay on the island.
    • This premonition will be triggered if Chris was killed, and Laura, Ryan, and Travis did not go to hunt down Silas. Kaitlyn must be dead.
  • Jacob is chased by Chris in the forest and Chris gets caught by the trap.
    • This premonition will be triggered if Silas is not hunted at the end of Chapter 9, and Chris was not shot by Ryan. Kaitlyn must be dead.


  1. Travis is killed by Laura.
  2. Caleb is trapped inside the freezer, allowing Kaitlyn and Dylan (if he is in the lodge) to survive the night.
  3. Max survives the night.
  4. Jacob avoids being killed by Chris, and survives the night.


When you control Dylan and make your way through the scrapheap, you will climb up some stairs and walk on top of some shipping crates. Before heading forward, continue along the path to the left and stick to the left side of the crates. The camera will switch to show the card on the side of a shipping container. Interact with it to pick it up. If you miss it simply walk back and forwards again to have the camera switch to the alternate angle.[1]


  • Judgement is one of the few tarot cards that can have multiple premonitions. The others are The Hermit, Death, and The Sun.
  • Judgement is the only card to have multiple in-game descriptions depending on the choices you have made.
  • The premonition showing Kaitlyn will still appear even if the scene cannot occur. For example, if Abigail chose to leave the bags in Chapter 1, Kaitlyn will not have the toy in Chapter 10.
  • Judgement in tarot readings means awakening or reckoning if upright and self-doubt if reversed.