The Quarry Wiki

Justice... An eye for an eye. Not exactly, in some cases... but cause and effect. Actions and consequences. There's a balance to everything, and we all play a part in making sure the scales aren't tipped.

Justice is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Jacob during Chapter 6 in The Quarry. The vision given by this tarot card may occur during Chapter 7.


A tarot card from the mid 15th century. The card depicts a woman clad in red silk holding a sword in her right-hand, and what appears to be a crucifix on her left.


Laura shoots the cop, Travis, in the stomach.


Shooting Travis eliminates the option for Travis and Laura to help each other much later in the game.


Early on in Chapter 6, you will take control of Jacob and walk along a wooden walkway. After coming down the stairs of the walkway, there will be a path ahead. Before walking forward, walk back towards the supporting poles of the walkway you just crossed. Here, the camera will cut to show the tarot card on a pole, underneath the decking. If you miss it, simply walk forward and back again to have the camera show the card.


  • Justice in tarot readings means balance if upright, dishonesty if reversed.