The Quarry Wiki

The Scarred Flesh is a piece of evidence in The Quarry. It can be found by Laura in the Quarry Mines during Chapter 8.


A lump of what appears to be damaged or scarred flesh.


On a stone landing halfway up the flights of stairs and catwalks that lead out of the Excavation Site and into the basement of the Hackett House.

Bizarre Yet Bonafide[]

If the Scarred Flesh was found, Grace and Anton discuss it in their episode of the Bizarre Yet Bonafide podcast during the Epilogue.

If all pieces of evidence were found, the Scarred Flesh will be the last piece discussed, following the Claw Marks. Anton reacts in disgust but wishes to see it in person to believe it, when Grace claims it would have been too dangerous to steal the actual evidence.

Grace: Moving on! How about this? Tell me this isn't freaky as shit!
Anton: Augh! Is that skin?!
Grace: Skin, fur... Whatever you want to call it really.
Anton: Okay, it looks human... is that a tattoo?
Grace: I don't think so... or maybe... a really bad one.
Anton: Wait... is it...?
Grace: Apparently it belongs to whatever creatures supposedly caused all this.
Anton: Okay, do we have the actual thing? Did they capture it? Can I- Can I see it... in, uh- in, uh- in it's weird... flesh... so to speak?
Grace: You want to touch the flesh.
Anton: I want to touch the flesh.
Grace: Well, fortunately the person who sent this to me was smart enough to know that it would be dangerous to steal the actual evidence. Not to mention they might suspect that you, Anton, would hide it away so as to sabotage this legitimate investigation.
Anton: Right, I am known for destroying evidence. Convenient that we can't see the real deal, huh.
Grace: Come on, man. You're desperate not to believe!
Anton: If there's reasonable doubt, you have to assume it's not real. Occam's Razor.
Grace: But look at everything we've seen. Put it all together. Objectively!
