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The Quarry Wiki

Temperance. To be balanced, to consume in moderation. Or to indulge in excess. Temperance. Take it or leave it... but remember sometimes, with temperance, comes deferred gratification.

Temperance is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Jacob during Chapter 1 in The Quarry. This tarot card can happen during Chapter 2 and Chapter 6.


A tarot card from the mid 15th century. It shows a woman with wings and a flower crown on a river pouring water from one jug or container to another. Several containers can be seen near her feet in the water.


Emma opens the safe in the Camp Store and takes out some fireworks. Later, Emma uses the fireworks on an attacking werewolf and it is knocked off of her.


Emma can use the fireworks from the safe to prevent herself from getting infected by a werewolf during Chapter 6, if she decides to run away from the hunters.


After Jacob enters the lodge from the window, he can go near the entrance and through an open doorway to the left that leads to the kitchen. The camera will switch to a shot of the tarot card leaning against a pot on the stove. If the camera switches back to the regular view, just walk out and back in to see the camera angle and the card again.


  • Eliza's comment "Take it or leave it..." refers to the choice of taking or leaving the fireworks in Chapter 2.
  • In tarot readings, Temperance means patience if upright, and imbalance if reversed.