“ | The Chariot! At the reins of a chariot, we would all feel safer. Taking control, relying on determination to make our choices Valiant... but in some cases foolish. Many seek refuge in chariots, but perhaps, in some cases, they're not as safe as we think they are. | ” |
The Chariot is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Laura during Chapter 7 in The Quarry. This tarot card can happen during Chapter 8.
A tarot card from the mid 15th century. It depicts a man wearing armor and wielding a spear riding a chariot, with two wolves pulling it, a black one, and a white one.
Dylan opens the minivan door while Kaitlyn covers him.
This premonition is unavoidable.
- If Emma is alive and wasn't infected or was infected in Chapter 6, she will spray Dylan with air freshener.
- If Emma was infected in Chapter 4, she will jump out of the minivan in her werewolf form.
- If Emma died before Chapter 8, there will be no one in the minivan.
Towards the end of the chapter, you will gain control of Laura and be free to walk around the police office. When you reach the four sets of desks outside of the jail area, walk in the middle of them. The camera will briefly cut to a view from the balcony above showing the tarot card. Pick it up to add it to your collection. If you miss it, simply walk around the tables and into the middle again to have the camera switch back to the angle.[1]
- The Chariot in tarot readings means control if upright, aggression if reversed.