The Quarry Wiki

The Devil. Without restriction, like a shadow torn from one's corporeal form. Pay close attention and act before the demon's unleashed. Each of us have one, even those who are pure of heart and say their prayers by night.

The Devil is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Dylan during Chapter 5 in The Quarry. The vision given by this tarot card may occur during Chapter 6.


A tarot card from the mid 15th century. The card depicts a gigantic, red, demonic figure with a ram skull head and wings. He stands surrounded by bodies.


Nick’s infection takes him over, turning him into a werewolf and causing him to decapitate Abi.


If this vision comes to pass, Abi's story ends there.


When at the camp cabins with Ryan and Dylan, walk slightly past the tree in the center of the area, then look back to where you came from towards the benches and the swing. Walk towards the swing and the camera will cut briefly to a view from behind the bench with the tarot card. If you miss it, you can walk back and then forward again to see the unique view.[1]


  • The Devil in tarot readings means addiction if upright, freedom if reverse.