The Quarry Wiki

The Emperor. Authority, paternity... Structures designed to topple, no? How the mighty may fall, and their empires with them. Let them bleed. Let them rip each other apart. Let them rot.

The Emperor is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Ryan during Chapter 8 in The Quarry. This tarot card can happen during Chapter 9.


A tarot card from the mid 15th century. It shows a man with a golden wreath wrapped around his head and has a cloak, while holding a staff and a globus cruciger, with what appears to be a griffin beside him and two crows fly around.


Werewolf Chris attacks and kills Jedediah.


If Ryan chooses to stab Bobby, Bobby will be unable to defend himself and his parents from Chris. Jed will be killed by Chris.


From where you found The Empress, head back to the original path you gained control of Ryan from and walk forward. Towards where the path opens up, the camera will switch to show the card on the backside of a wall. Pick up the card when the camera briefly switches. Again, if you miss it, you can just walk back and forth again to have the camera switch back to the position.[1]


  • The Emperor in tarot readings means authority or fatherhood if upright, and tyranny if reversed.