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The Hanged Man! To be the hanged man is to surrender... and by doing so gain a new perspective. So look carefully, and consider that sometimes, one needs to be strung up, in order to let go.

The Hanged Man is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Nick during Chapter 2 in The Quarry. The vision given by this tarot card may occur during Chapter 3.


A tarot card from the mid 15th century. The card depicts a bloodied man wearing a brown shirt, and green pants, hanging upside-down from his left foot. His hands appear to be bound behind his back, while his right foot is free from the rope binds.


Jacob is ensnared by a trap that hoists him upside down. A hunter comes along and cuts him down before Jacob throws dirt in his eyes, allowing him an opportunity to escape.


The player can avoid the hunter pouring blood on Jacob's face. This results in Jacob not being able to defend himself from werewolves in future scenes, if he is confronted by one.


When given the choice to walk down Shady Glade or Rocky Road as Nick, choose Rocky Road and walk down the left path. Eventually the camera will snap to the card high up on a rock. If you miss it before the camera switches back, you can turn around and walk back up the path.[1]


  • In tarot readings, The Hanged Man means sacrifice if upright, and disinterest if reversed.