The Quarry Wiki

Here we have The Hermit. With the hermit comes isolation, loneliness... but reflection, too. Perhaps, given some thought, the hermit who gives chase can guide you to safety. But that all depends on your actions, not his.
— If Jacob is still alive
Strange... this card holds no future. But there's a past that calls out to me.
— If Jacob died in previous scenes

The Hermit is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Dylan during Chapter 5 in The Quarry. The vision given by this tarot card may occur during Chapter 6.


A tarot card from the mid 15th century. The card depicts a cloaked older man with a long white beard and a crow on his shoulder. He's holding a large cane with a lamp at the end.


This tarot card has multiple premonitions. If Jacob is alive,

  • Jacob has his leg caught in a bear trap. He tries to escape but falls on another one, crushing his head completely.

If Jacob died in previous scenes,


If this vision comes to pass, Jacob's story ends there.


Upon reaching the radio broadcast center, you will see the tower to the left of the building. Before going inside, walk around the tower block until the camera cuts to show the tarot card, tucked behind a piece of metal forming the tower. If you miss it, continue walking around until the camera cuts to show the perspective again.


  • The Hermit is one of the few tarot cards that can have multiple premonitions. The others are Death, The Sun, and Judgement.
  • The Hermit is one of two tarot cards that can show events that occur before the game begins. The other is The Hierophant.
  • The Hermit in tarot readings means guidance in upright, isolation in reverse.