The Quarry Wiki

The Torn Bags are a piece of evidence in The Quarry. It can be found by Emma at the Camp Store during Chapter 2.


Torn hiking bags, dashed with flecks of dried blood.


After Jacob holds the door to let Emma look around in the storage room, the torn bags can be found in the far-right corner of the room.

Bizarre Yet Bonafide[]

If the Torn Bags were found, Grace and Anton discuss it in their episode of the Bizarre Yet Bonafide podcast during the Epilogue.

If all pieces of evidence were found, the Torn Bags will be the third piece discussed, following the Memory Card and preceding Kaylee's Letter. Grace claims that the bags belonged to the hikers who went missing at Hackett's Quarry as it matches with their photos from the Memory Card, while Anton is not entirely convinced.

Grace: And... their bags were found there too!
Anton: Oh, no way, do you have a fake photo of them too?
Grace: Oh, please...
Anton: Okay, so you have a picture of bags. These could be anyone's bags!
Grace: Well, they match up to the ones in their photos from their camera. And they have a monogram of their initials! I think- At least... or it's water damage, I can't tell.
Anton: Yeah, okay... that's not nothing, I'll give you that.
