The Trail Cam Footage is a piece of evidence in The Quarry. It can be found by Kaitlyn in the Lodge Attic during Chapter 10.
“ | Archived trail cam footage from Hackett Woods, dating back 6 years. | ” |
Once in the lodge, go up the stairs, past the ancestral painting, through the doorway, up more stairs and the trail cam footage will be sitting in a box on the left.
Bizarre Yet Bonafide[]
If the Trail Cam Footage was found, Grace and Anton discuss it in their episode of the Bizarre Yet Bonafide podcast during the Epilogue.
If all pieces of evidence were found, the Trail Cam Footage will be the seventh piece discussed, following the Empty Vial and preceding the Attack Photo. In the footage, they find a werewolf but Anton is insistent on it being a skinny bear. They wonder why the Hacketts have such footage.
Grace: Okay. Anton. What you see next pretty much confirms it.
Anton: That you're a crackpot conspiracy theorist loser?
Grace: Shit went down at Hackett's Quarry this summer. Real. Supernatch. Shit.
Anton: See you always say things like this, and you're always overselling it.
Grace: You always have to oversell something to even sell it! That's capitalism baby.
Anton: Alright.
Grace: Okay! This is actual footage from one of the trail cams in Hackett Woods.
Anton: Ooh, cool, a camera in the middle of the woods? Did they find a squirrel?
Grace: Be honest, if it was mounted on a mountain bike you would watch that whole video.
Anton: Yes! Of course, is there a mountain bike involved?
Grace: No, but take a look anyways.
Anton: Okay... that... is a bear?
Grace: That is a bear to you? There is no way that is a bear.
Anton: Okay well it- er- a skinny bear?
Grace: Okay, this could be some of the clearest footage of something like this I've ever seen.
Anton: Right, it's kind of blurry though.
Grace: Blurry and convincing. Sometimes the truth can't be contained within the lines.
Anton: Right, yeah. And also footage is pretty easy to fake. Technology is super scary.
Grace: Yeah, but what the hell were the Hacketts doing with footage like this anyways?
Anton: Huh. That's a good point. Weird little video of a skinny bear? Yeah, I don't know.
Grace: Again, you keep saying a skinny bear. Have you seen a skinny bear? They're huge!
Anton: Yeah, it's very sad!
Grace: Oh.
Anton: Yeah, polar bears, it's hard for them to find food sometimes. Don't feel too bad for them though, they're nasty.