“ | The Wheel of Fortune. After all, fortune is nothing but a spinning wheel. Sometimes you have to take a chance. Karma works in mysterious ways, but it favors those who pay attention. Watch closely. Though the wheel spins, the eagle-eyed can tell where it's going to stop. | ” |
Wheel of Fortune is a tarot card that can be found when playing as Laura during Chapter 8 in The Quarry. This tarot card can happen during Chapter 9.
A tarot card from the mid 15th century. It shows a man in a green shirt pointing a bow downwards to a wheel with symbols, along with two wolves, both white, and a horse.
Laura turns into a werewolf. Chris mauls Bobby. Ryan aims the shotgun at Laura, but doesn't fire. Ryan is killed by Chris. Travis and Laura kill each other.
If Ryan decides to not take the knife out and then stab Bobby later, Bobby will not be able to defend himself from werewolf Chris and he will be killed. If Ryan decides not to shoot Chris or Laura, Chris will kill Ryan. Then, Travis and Laura will kill each other.
Shortly after The Lovers card, you and Ryan will walk through a tunnel. As you walk through, about halfway down the tunnel, the camera will switch positions. The position will show the Tarot card on a piece of wood. You can pick it up here. Or, if you miss it, simply walk back and then forward again to have the camera switch back to the position that allows you to collect it.[1]
- Wheel of Fortune in tarot readings means destiny or fate if upright and misfortune if reversed.